Vows, Renewing


In a typical year, more than 30,000 UK pensioners renew their vows, with the intention of demonstrating to family and friends the enduring quality and value of their spousal relationships.

Around 18,000 renew vows because they’ve forgotten what they promised in the first place, while some 6,000 do so because they remember exactly what they promised and have been harbouring simmering discontent and anger ever since.

Approximately 1,500 pensioners, mainly farmers, also renew their cows, sows or ploughs at the same time, and almost 600 people with speech impediments renew their vowels on a regular basis.

To save money, pensioners are increasingly opting for reconditioned vows and a wide selection of these is now available through specialist suppliers such as IdoBdoBdo and Promise?Cue-Us.
