Libraries, Public


Despite government attempts to remove their funding – with the result that more than 300 have closed since 2011 – public libraries still provide an invaluable amenity to countless people, and enable pensioners in particular to have access to a wealth of knowledge and imagination while saving significant sums on their home heating at the same time.

As well as books, modern libraries often have a wide range of music and film on offer, while in recent years, the introduction of computer facilities has enabled numerous pensioners to shop on-line, watch pornography and lose vast amounts of money to e-mail scammers

When the first public library opened in Manchester in 1653, the most popular books were The Gofpel according to Faint Mark, A Fimple Guide to Horfef and How to Ftuff and Roaft a Fwan.  In contrast, the books most often borrowed in 2014 were Jamie’s 20-second Meals, The Big Picture Book of Jordan and Finkholes for Fun and Profit.
